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Multiphase Pumping Systems

Why Multiphase Pumping Systems

Our Two-Screw Multiphase pump systems have been used to pump crude oil in pipelines and on wellpads for over 20 years. The systems efficiently utilize one pump to boost complete, untreated production flows (mixture of oil, gas, condensates, water and/or solids) through multiphase gathering pipelines. The systems simplify surface facilities, eliminating infrastructure associated with separation and independent water, gas and oil gathering systems. Additionally, systems deployed on wellpads reduce well backpressure, increasing oil & gas production.

How Multiphase Systems Work

Our systems utilize positive displacement pump technology combined with industry leading internal (to pump) and external (to pump) recirculation systems to pump the multiphase fluids during oil production.

Primary pump components are two intermeshing, self-priming screws that isolate a volume of liquid and convey it from pump inlet to outlet. Properly timed, the screws overcome conventional pump challenges – running dry, sandy or high GVF flows – as the screws do not contact either each other or their housing. For fluids up to 97% GVF, the pump housing includes an embedded liquid reservoir that releases liquid into the screw mechanisms This liquid maintains proper pump efficiency through optimal internal sealing of the multiphase pump elements and dissipates heat generated from compressing the gas portion of the flow.

A complete system, with fully automatable controls, encompasses the multiphase pump to ensure optimal operations in our constantly changing oil and gas conditions. Motors, strainers, knock-out vessels, balancing and recirculation lines, valves, lube systems and heat exchangers are some of the primary system components that work together to ensure consistent, efficient operations while extending the system’s capabilities to 100% GVF flows.

Two-screw multiphase pump system

Multiphase Pumping Benefits

CIRCOR Multiphase pumping systems deliver significant benefits for both mature well installations and new field development.

Multiphase pumping benefits infographic

Leadership in Multiphase Technology

With over 20 years of experience, CIRCOR is a global leader in the development of Multiphase technology and installation of Multiphase pumping systems.

Multiphase system applications

Advantages of CIRCOR Multiphase Pumping Systems

CIRCOR brings significant experience and expertise to Multiphase Pumping Systems:

  • Pioneers in two-screw pumping and integrated systems, with over 100 years of experience
  • Industry leading, oil boosting pump efficiencies
  • Proven reliability in the harshest environments and with the most difficult fluids:
    • High and low ambient temperatures
    • 100% GVF
    • High sand content
    • Condensate/vapor fluids
    • Wet gas compression
  • Build-to-suit philosophy with full customization: materials, standards, modularity, skid/truck mount
  • State-of-the-art rotor designs, profiles, material selection and manufacturing methods
  • Time-tested, proven controls that safely and reliably optimize system operations, even remotely
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Two-Screw Multiphase Pumping System

CIRCOR offers a full line of Two-Screw Multiphase pumps.

CIRCOR multiphase pumping system models

Crude Pipeline Boosting and Gathering

Simplify your infrastructure by pumping oil, gas, water, condensates and solids with ONE pump through ONE pipeline. These solutions are especially beneficial for offshore, flaring sensitive and heavy oil production fields.

Multiphase pipelineExpand


Reduce capital expenditures

  • Eliminate field separation
  • Eliminate redundant pipelines for water, oil and gas

Eliminate flaring

  • Gas accompanies hydrocarbons to central processing facility

Simplify surface facility controls

  • Remote automated controls
  • Eliminate complex gas management systems
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Mature Well Backpressure Control

Increase oil and gas production in mature wells or revitalize shut-in wells using our pump system to reduce well backpressure.

Well back pressure control

Benefits and Results:

For mature wells, Multiphase pumping systems can deliver up to:

  • 70% increase in oil production
  • 8-year extension of well life
  • 150% increase in produced gas
  • 100% reduction in injected gas
  • Immediate cash-flow positive
Multiphase oil production increase
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Vapor Recovery

Recover vapors from tanks in tank farms and wellhead pumping of production flows or annulus gas common in flare gas recovery, SAGD and CSS or coal bed methane operations.

Vapor recovery system


  • Control gas-driven well backpressure
  • Eliminate well site flaring
  • Remove the need for complex gas compression systems

Heavy Oil Production

Leverage Multiphase’s ability to handle varying amounts of steam in high temperature Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage (SAGD) and Cyclic Steam Simulation (CSS) steam injection processes.

Heavy oil production system


  • Manage varying amounts of steam, oil, gas and water throughout the life of the well
  • Reduce capital and energy costs typically associated with heavy oil extraction

Gas Well Dewatering

Remove water or condensate build-up through intermittent or sustained wellhead flow boosting.


  • Increase oil and gas production
  • Clear liquid-loaded wells more efficiently
Multphase Pumps brochure

Multiphase Pump Systems

We deliver the most cost-effective and efficient design for your multiphase pump package: from basic, stand-alone pump skids to turnkey, remote operated multiphase pumping stations.

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Increased Well Production

Use of Two-Screw Multiphase Pumps to Stimulate Increased Well Production

CIRCOR’s Carson Nuttall writes in Oil and Gas Facilities on a proven strategy to enhance mature oilfield facilities. Used with permission and published in the April 2016 issue of Oil and Gas Facilities, a registered trademark of the Society of Petroleum Engineers. © 2016 Society of Petroleum Engineers ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

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Petronas case study

Mature Wells in Angsi Field Flow Freely with Multiphase Pump Systems

With CIRCOR's MR-250 pump series, project engineers choose active management of wellhead pressure to economically boost multiphase flow in enhanced oil recovery phase.

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Mature Well Production

Caspian Sea Producer Pumps up the Volume in Mature Field with Multiphase System

In the first few weeks of continuous operation, the company recorded an approximate 70% increase in oil production and a 50% reduction in injected gas. Payback on the investment occurred in under two months.

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Considering Multiphase Pumping?

Considering Multiphase Pumping? Top Ten Things You Should Know

If you are assessing for the first time whether your production system is a candidate for a multiphase pump installation onshore or offshore, we’re here to help. There is more to consider than just the size and type of pump.

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History of Multiphase

History of Multiphase

Two-screw multiphase pumps are the centerpiece of the most common type of surface-installed multiphase pump systems, and the design most often recommended for oil & gas applications. Our work in developing this technology for maximum efficiency and reliability, and to increase GVF capability ranges, gives us a unique perspective on these vital systems. Learn more about the history of this technology.

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Boost Multiphase Flows

Boost Multiphase Flows With One Pump Through One Pipeline

Able to accommodate a wide range of gas volume fractions (GVF), multiphase systems boost oil, gas, water, condensates and solids with one pump through one pipeline from the production manifold or wellhead to a distant central processing facility (CPF).

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Multiphase Infographic

Infographic: How Multiphase Systems Work

Our systems utilize positive displacement pump technology combined with industry leading internal (to pump) and external (to pump) recirculation systems to pump the multiphase fluids.

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MR 400

MR Series Two-Screw Pumps Standard Product Specifications

The heart of this system is the CIRCOR MR Series multiphase pump, an API 676 3rd edition pump that is capable of handling a wide range of liquids, gas, pressures and temperatures.

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MRX 400

MRX Series High Pressure Two-Screw Pumps Standard Product Specifications

The heart of the MRX system is the multiphase pump that has to be capable of handling the wide range of liquids and gas as well as the transient conditions in terms of pressures and temperatures.

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