Product Brochures

Market and Product Type Brochures

CIRCOR Product Catalog
Find out how CIRCOR is serving our customers with a full line of pumps and engineered systems‚ plus global expertise to develop the best solutions for any application.

CIRCOR Product Catalog - Chinese (中文)
Find out how CIRCOR is serving our customers with a full line of pumps and engineered systems‚ plus global expertise to develop the best solutions for any application.

CIRCOR Produktkatalog
Erfahren Sie‚ wie CIRCOR seine Kunden mit einer kompletten Baureihe von Pumpen und technischen Systemen sowie weltweitem Know-How zur Entwicklung der besten Lösungen für jede Anwendung unterstützt.

Global Industrial Solutions
Engineers and operators of industrial plants face greater challenges than ever before in terms of environmental protection‚ operations‚ safety and availability. CIRCOR can help you overcome these challenges by working with you from the beginning of the design process‚ all the way through to startup and operation.

Umfassende Industrielösungen
Ingenieure und Betreiber von Industrieanlagen stehen in Bezug auf Umweltschutz‚ Anlagenbetrieb‚ Sicherheit und Anlagenverfügbarkeit vor immer größeren Herausforderungen. CIRCOR kann Sie dabei unterstützen‚ diese Herausforderungen zu meistern‚ indem CIRCOR vom Beginn des Entwicklungsprozesses bis hin zur Inbetriebnahme und dem laufenden Betrieb mit Ihnen zusammenarbeitet.

Global Solutions for Chemical Processing
Collaborate with CIRCOR on highly efficient‚ customized solutions for your most demanding engineering and chemical processing applications.

CIRCOR Progressing Cavity Pumps
ALLWEILER supplies various pump types for horizontal‚ vertical and wet well installations. The pump design‚ bearing assembly‚ type of shaft seal‚ and the material selection can be adapted to optimally suit each particular application.

CIRCOR Three-Screw Pump Solutions
The Imo and Allweiler lines of three-screw pumps and systems deliver the features that matter most to you. Longer life‚ lower pressure ripple‚ lower contamination sensitivity and maximum energy savings result in the highest “Total Savings of Ownership” across the entire life-cycle of your pumping equipment solution.

CIRCOR Two-Screw Pump Solutions
Our Houttuin™ and Warren® two-screw pumps set the standard for dependability‚ efficiency and performance. Learn more about our two-screw product line including applications‚ specifications and successful installations.

Effective Wastewater Pumping
Allwaste® is redefining sewage plant pumping. Learn more about this entire line of efficient‚ environmentally friendly pumps and find one to optimize your plant performance.

Effiziente Abwasserförderung
Allwaste® definiert Pumpen für Kläranlagen neu. Erfahren Sie mehr über diese komplette Baureihe effizienter‚ umweltfreundlicher Pumpen und finden Sie eine‚ die die Leistung Ihrer Anlage optimiert.

IN-1000 Condition Monitoring
When you're handling combustible fluids‚ you can't afford the trouble caused by an unmonitored mechanical seal leak. What you can afford is the safe and cost-effective operation of your plant with an aftermarket investment in the IN-1000‚ the market's most advanced solution for condition monitoring of thermal transfer pumps.

Umfassende Lösungen für die Verfahrenstechnik
Arbeiten Sie mit CIRCOR an hocheffizienten‚ maßgeschneiderten Lösungen für Ihre anspruchsvollsten Anwendungen in der Verfahrenstechnik und der chemischen Industrie.

Rotary Pumps

Imo Rotary Pump Handbook
Learn all you need to know about Imo rotary pumps from basic considerations and applications to pump selection charts.

Centrifugal Pumps

Volute Casing Centrifugal Pump with Magdrive in base plate design. Heat transfer liquids‚ water (hot water‚ condensate‚ cooling water etc.)‚ aggressive liquids.

Your pumping requirements demand safe‚ reliable transfer of high temperature materials including heat transfer fluids and hot water without the need for costly auxiliary cooling or expensive shaft sealing systems. The ALLHEAT® series centrifugal pump was designed specifically for safe pumping of hot fluid medias.

Ihre Pumpen müssen eine sichere und zuverlässige Förderung von Hochtemperatur-Werkstoffen einschließlich Wärmeträgermedien und Heißwasser ohne kostspielige Zusatzkühlung oder teure Wellenabdichtungssysteme sicherstellen. Die Kreiselpumpe der ALLHEAT®-Serie wurde speziell für die sichere Förderung von heißen Medien entwickelt.

Volute Casing Centrifugal Pump in in-line design. Heat transfer liquids‚ water (condensate‚ hot water‚ cooling water etc.)

Volute Casing Centrifugal Pump in block design. Heat transfer liquids‚ water (condensate‚ hot water‚ cooling water etc.)

Imo NSS Series
The NSS series centrifugal pump is intended for vertical‚ tank mounted lubrication services where medium to large flow rates are required at relatively low discharge pressures.

Volute Casing Centrifugal Pump in base plate design. For handling aggressive or non aggressive‚ cold‚ pure or with solid contents‚ also viscous liquids‚ heat transfer liquids.

Volute Casing Centrifugal Pump in base plate design. Heat transfer liquids‚ water (condensate‚ hot water‚ cooling water etc.)

Volute Casing Centrifugal Pump in block design. For handling aggressive or non aggressive‚ cold‚ pure or with solid contents‚ also viscous liquids‚ heat transfer liquids.

Volute Casing Centrifugal Pump in in-line design. For handling aggressive or non aggressive‚ cold‚ pure or with solid contents‚ also viscous liquids‚ heat transfer liquids.

Propeller Pumps

Allweiler Propeller Pumps
Allweiler propeller pumps are the optimal solution for moving large flow rates in industries such as chemical processing‚ saline and potassium mining and food production.

Allweiler Propellerpumpen
Allweiler Propellerpumpen sind die optimale Lösung für die Förderung großer Mengen in der chemischen Industrie‚ im Salz- und Kalibergbau und in der Lebensmittelproduktion.

External Gear Pumps

Precision Metering Systems for Pulse-Free Additive Delivery
Pump data for food and personal care applications.

Zenith Metering Systems Capabilities
Whether you're spraying‚ blending or injecting your fluid material‚ accurate additive delivery is vital. Learn more about Zenith's engineered solutions‚ various applications and wide range equipment packages.

Zenith Precision Gear Pumps
Zenith Pumps can provide a complete custom-engineered system along with the pump‚from the tank to the controls‚ letting you focus on your core competency while we develop a fluid handling‚ mixing‚ or metering system aimed at providing the highest precision and reliability possible.

Zenith 9000 Series
Your demanding application requires a precise volume of fluid dispensed – reliably‚ accurately and consistently. The Zenith 9000 Series metering gear pump is the industry standard for true precision metering for challenging applications in a wide variety of industrial processes.

Zenith BB PEP Series
The BB PEP incorporates a design that meets or exceeds industry requirements for precise‚ accurate performance‚ while significantly reducing the time and cost of maintenance.

Zenith H Series
Zenith Pumps offers a rotary external gear pump of unique precision and simplicity. The pump’s design of only three moving parts–two metering gears and a drive shaft–provide long life and easy maintenance.

Zenith PEP II Gear Pumps
The PEP-II’s unique positive displacement design provides consistent‚ accurate polymer delivery under varying extruder output conditions of pressure‚ temperature and viscosity.

Zenith Spin Finish Gear Pumps
SpinFinish pumps are used to meter finish solutions in a precise‚ pulseless flow to be applied on man-made fibers such as polyester‚ nylon‚ polypropylene‚ acetate and rayon. Spin Finish metering pumps are available in a wide range of capacities and number of discharge ports and are suitable for most man-made fiber finishing solutions.

Zenith Planetary Gear Pumps
From the earliest applications in viscose and hot-melt fiber spinning‚ through the more recent applications in high performance‚ specialty fibers‚ Zenith Pumps has met the challenges of the fiber industry with pumps of unmatched performance and quality.

Zenith Flushable Pumps
Zenith Pumps for Paints and Coatings allow dependable control of critical coating applications. High accuracy eliminates costly over-application associated with less accurate methods‚ and the pumps often pay for themselves in savings in one year or less.

Peristaltic Pumps

ALLMOVE: Selbstansaugende und trockenlaufsichere Schlauchpumpen
Mit ALLMOVE fördern Sie schwierige Medien ebenso zuverlässig wie empfindliche Medien genau dosiert.

ALLMOVE: Self-Priming and Dry Run Protected Peristaltic Pumps
With ALLMOVE‚ you can pump difficult media as reliably as sensitive media and measure precisely.

Peristaltic Pump for low pressure applications. Low to highly viscous liquids‚ pasty‚ neutral or aggressive‚ pure or abrasive‚ gaseous or tending to froth‚ also with fibrous and solids content.

Peristaltic Pump for high pressure applications. Low to highly viscous liquids‚ pasty‚ neutral or aggressive‚ pure or abrasive‚ gaseous or tending to froth‚ also with fibrous and solids content.

Progressing Cavity Pumps

All-Optiflow: Die universelle Exzenterschneckenpumpe mit den höchsten Einsparungen im Betrieb
Zahlreiche konstruktive Details der Allweiler All-Optiflow erhöhen nicht nur den Wirkungsgrad‚ sondern senken auch die Betriebs- und Wartungskosten.

All-Optiflow: Universal Progressing Cavity Pump with the Highest Savings in Operation
The Allweiler All-Optiflow not only provides numerous design details that boost efficiency but lowers operating and maintenance costs.

Allweiler AE Series
Self-priming‚ two or four-stage‚ rotary positive displacement pump. Conveying elements are the rotating eccentric screw (rotor) and the fixed stator.

Two-Screw Pumps

Two-Screw Pumps: Houttuin 136 Series
The Houttuin single entry twin screw pumps series 136 are horizontal rotating self priming positive displacement pumps. Two intermeshing screws rotating in a pump casing ensure high pumping efficiency with constant axial flow and unequalled suction power.

Two-Screw Pumps: Houttuin 200-300 Series
Information for Houttuin 200-300 Series pumps.

Two-Screw Pumps: Houttuin 211 Series
The Houttuin double entry twin screw pumps series 211 are vertical rotating self priming positive displacement pumps. Two intermeshing screws rotating in a pump casing insert ensure high pumping efficiency with constant axial flow and unequalled suction power.

Two-Screw Pumps: Houttuin 215 Series
Information for Houttuin 215 Series pumps.

Two-Screw Pumps: Houttuin 216 Series
Information for Houttuin 216 Series pumps.

Two-Screw Pumps: Houttuin 231 Series
Information for Houttuin 231 Series pumps.

Two-Screw Pumps: Houttuin 236 Series
Information for Houttuin 236 Series pumps.

Two-Screw Pumps: Houttuin 249 Series
Information for Houttuin 249 Series pumps.

Two-Screw Pumps: Houttuin MR Series
Information for Houttuin MR Series pumps.

Two-Screw Pumps: Houttuin MRX Series
Information for Houttuin MRX Series pumps.

Two-Screw Pumps: Warren FSXA Series
Hardened steel double helical timing gears are used to prevent metal-to-metal contact between the meshed rotating screws. The clearance between the pumping screws results in longer pump life and higher average efficiencies over the life of the pump.

Two-Screw Pumps: Warren FSXB Series
Information for Warren FSXB Series pumps.

Two-Screw Pumps: Warren GTS Series
Improved screw profiles and geometry provide better efficiency than competitors’ designs.

Two-Screw Pumps: Warren Jaguar Series
The solid cast body is generously ribbed and has thick cross sections resulting in increased rigidity. The suction flow passage is designed to provide a constant area from the flange opening to the screw entrance allowing for the best NPSH capabilities of any similarly sized pump.

Three-Screw Pumps

ALLFUEL 第 2 代泵组件。
随着法规的增加和需求的不断增长,您需要越来越多的泵系统。 ALLFUEL第2代泵组件提供高效的性能,可以在短时间内卸下或安装。 保持最佳的系统性能-您从未想过如此简单。

ALLFUEL Einschubeinheiten Der 2. Generation
Zunehmende Regulierungen und steigende Nachfragen wirken sich auch auf Ihre Description: Pumpensysteme aus. ALLFUEL Einschubeinheiten der 2. Generation bieten eine hohe Leistungseffizienz und können in einem Bruchteil der sonst üblichen Zeit entfernt oder eingebaut werden. Nie war es einfacher‚ die Höchstleistung Ihres Systems dauerhaft zu erhalten.

ALLFUEL Generation 2 Pump Inserts
With increased regulations and growing demands‚ you need more and more from your pump systems. ALLFUEL Generation 2 Pump Inserts deliver efficient performance and can be removed or installed in a fraction of the time. Maintaining peak system performance has never been easier.

ALLIFT Submersible Elevator Screw Pumps
The ALLIFT® submersible elevator screw pump is a product built on decades of optimization with low noise levels and high performance for hydraulic lifts‚ lifting platforms‚ stages and other hydraulic machines.

Three-Screw pump up to 16 bar‚ vertical submerged installation. Hydraulic oils‚ synthetic hydraulic liquids‚ native oils‚ lubricating oils.

Allweiler EMTEC-C Pumps
EMTEC three-screw pumps excel at moving chips and particles away from cutting surfaces both precisely and efficiently. And with its incredibly durable construction‚ it’s a level of performance will stand up to even the harshest environments.

Allweiler EMTEC-C Pumpen
Die dreispindelige EMTEC Schraubenspindelpumpen zeichnen sich dadurch aus‚ dass sie Späne und Partikel präzise und effizient von den Schneidflächen entfernen. Und mit ihrer unglaublich langlebigen Konstruktion hält ihr Leistungsniveau selbst den rauesten Umgebungen stand.

Allweiler SM Series
Owing to a special profiling of the flanks of the screw threads‚ the three spindles form sealed chambers‚ the contents of which are axially and completely continuously shifted from the suction to the delivery side of the pump.

Allweiler SN Series
The SN series from ALLWEILER is utilized in all segments of industry where lubricating liquids are pumped that do not contain abrasive components and will not chemically attack the pump materials.

Allweiler Trilub TRL Series
Our Trilub TRL pump series offers self-priming three-screw solutions for applications up to 16 bar.

Imo 3D Series
Series 3D is a general purpose three screw pump available in 19 different displacements. These pumps incorporate full hydraulic balance which cancels axial and radial thrust loads due to discharge pressure.

Imo 3E Series
Imo Model 3E pumps are three screw‚ positive displacement‚ rotary pumps designed and engineered for excellent suction capability over a wide range of fluid viscosities.

Imo 3G Series
The 3G series pump is intended for use in lubrication‚ hydraulic and control oil services such as those found on rotating machinery or other equipment needing forced lubrication‚ circulation‚ fluid transfer‚ distillate fuel burner or similar systems.

Imo 4SFC and 4VKC Series
Information for Imo 4SFC and 4VKC Series pumps.

Imo 4T and 4U Series
Information for Imo 4T and 4U Series pumps.

Imo 6D Series
Series 6D Imo pumps are intended for relatively high pressure service on petroleum or similar viscosity liquids.

Imo 6T/6U Series
Imo Model 6T and 6U pumps are positive displacement‚ rotary‚ screw-type pumps designed and engineered for excellent suction capability over a wide range of fluid viscosities.

Imo 8L Series
Three screw pump with high shock capacity for 2900 gpm in high pressure applicatons.

Imo 12D Series
Ductile iron cased three screw pump for high pressure (2500 psi or 178 bar) applications.

Imo 12L Series
Information for Imo 12L Series pumps.

Imo 323F Series
Double ended rotary three screw pump designed for excellent suction capabilities over a wide range of fluid viscosities.

Imo 324A Series
Double ended rotary three screw pump designed for high temperature applications such as asphalts and vacuum tower bottoms.

IMO A4PIC Instruction Manual & Parts
Information for A4PIC Series pumps and parts.

Imo ACE Series
The ACE pump is used for a number of different fluids: Lubrication oil‚ fuel oil‚ vegetable oil‚ hydraulic oil and other hydraulic fluids‚ polymers‚ emulsions and any non-aggressive fluid with sufficient lubricating properties.

Imo ACG Series
The ACG pumps are used for a number of different fluids: Lubrication oil‚ fuel oil‚ vegetable oil‚ hydraulic oil and other hydraulic fluids‚ polymers‚ emulsions and any non-aggressive fluid with sufficient lubricating properties.

Imo C324A Series
Information for Imo C324A Series pumps.

Imo CFHM Series
The CFHM series pump is suitable for operation on clean lubricating liquid and is especially well-suited for high pressure lubrication‚ hydraulic and control oil services. Typical applications are found on rotating machinery and other equipment where forced oil flow is required.

IMO G3D-187‚ 218‚ 250‚ 312 Series Service Manual
Information for G3D-187‚ 218‚ 250 and 312 Series pumps with idler cup and hydrostatic thrust designs.

IMO G3D-275 Series Service Manual
Information for G3D-275 Series pumps with idler cup and hydrostatic thrust designs.

IMO G3D-350 and 400 Series Service Manual
Information for G3D-350 and 400 Series pumps with idler cup and hydrostatic thrust designs.

Imo Hydraulic Elevator Pump Data Book
If it's time to give your reliability a lift‚ the Imo 3D and 4PIC pump series are for you. With a total cost of ownership that's lower than competitors' elevator pumps and over a half-century of reliable performance‚ Imo pumps are engineered to exceed expectations.

Imo T324N Series
Double ended rotary three screw pump designed for excellent suction capabilities with flow rates up to 800 gpm.

Imo UCF Series
Information for Imo UCF Series pumps.

Imo UCG Series
Information for Imo UCG Series pumps.




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